The Schoolhouse Players




 Schoolhouse Players open first show since Covid shutdown

Th Schoolhouse players are back in the business after tw0-years of Covid shutdowns . The opening production, A Bench in the Shade, is a rollicking romantic comedy-drama by playwright Ron Clark  at the Bartow Community Center on March 24th -March 25th  -March 31st and April 1st @  7:00 p.m., And April 2nd @ 3:00 p.m.

Tickets are $15.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Students, Tickets can be purchased at door



schoolhouse-players-logoThe Schoolhouse Players in Bartow, Georgia present an annual lineup of entertaining performances for the residents of Jefferson County and beyond. Their home theater is the Mancin Auditorium, housed within the Bartow Community Center. The Schoolhouse Players’ name derives from their home base – a building that was the last of three schools at the location. With rotating directors and a long list of performers young and old, this theatrical community brings in entertainment-seekers from all around the region. Be sure to check out The Schoolhouse Players website for information about current and upcoming productions:   Phone Number: 478-364-3340